Hero Siege Wiki

The Fallen Paladin is available in the Depths of Hell DLC. The Paladin uses a sword, so his basic attacks don't have a long range. But his skills can reach pretty far.


Base Stats:

  • Damage: 32-40
  • Each point adds
  • ​Max Mana: 508
    • Each point adds
  • ​Damage Reduction: 0.98% and Dodge 0.10%
    • Each point adds ~0.97 Reduction and 0.10% Dodge
  • ​Health: 800
    • Each point adds 85



Level 1:

  • Shield Slam: Slam enemies on the front of the Paladin with his shield, stunning and damaging them (8sec Cooldown).
    • Each point increases the damage (+150 damage) and the stun duration (0.50sec).
    • Shield Slam scales with nothing.
  • Mending Aura: Increases Health Regeneration for you and your allies.
    • Each point increases the heal per second for 1.
    • Mending Aura scales with nothing.

Level 12:

  • Steel Shields: Gives the Paladin a chance to obtain orbiting shields that damage enemies.
    • Each point increases the chance to proc(+1%) and the damage(starts with 150, +100 for each point).
    • Steel Shields scales with armor each point add +25 damage.
  • Holy Hammer: The Paladin summons one holy hammer that rotate odwards damaging enemies (11sec cooldown).
    • Each point increases the damage (starts with 150, +100 for each point).
    • Holy Hammer scales with energy each point add +45 damage.

Level 24:

  • Lightning Fury: Gives the Paladin a chance to unlash a ball of lightning.
    • Each point increases the chance to proc(starts with 6%, +1% for each point) and the damage(starts with 200, +100 each point).
    • Lightning Fury scales with energy each point add +20 damage.

Level 36:

  • Divine Shield: Gives the Paladin a Shield for a short period of time(1:30min cooldown).
    • Each point increases the duration(starts with 2.07sec, +0.07 for each point).
    • Divine Shield scales with nothing.
  • Holy Shock Aura: Shocks enemies around the paladin and other party members every few seconds.
    • Each point increases the damage(+50 for each point).
    • Holy Shock Aura scales with energy.
  • Holy Nova: The Paladin casts a holy nova damaging enemies and healing allies(14sec cooldown).
    • Each point increases the heal(+50 for each point) and the damage(+100 for each point).
    • Holy Nova scales with stamina each point add +2 heal. It also scales with strength.

Level 48:

  • Righteous Fury: Gives the Paladin a chance heal self and party member for the damage of his attack.
    • Each point increases the chance of a proc(+1% for each point).
    • Righteous Fury scales with nothing.


  • Divine Light : Divine Shield has 3x the duration.
  • Lightning God : Increases Lightning Fury procc chance to 65%.
  • Holy Shield : Increases damage of shields x 3 and makes them reflect enemy projectiles.


Try to reach level 12 with spending 1 point in Shield Slam and 1 point in Mending Aura. On level 12 spend all your points in Holy Hammer and max it first. Use the hammer for as many monsters as u can handle. Spend your Attributes in armor and strength each level. At 36 put 1 point in Divine Shield and max Holy Nova. You can easily reach 75% damage reduce and ~10k damage per hammer if u starting in act 1 and reach act 6 without dying.
